譚先生上載了一段opening remarks到youtube。本來,「疑似」候選人都會做很多動作,吸引選民注意。選民要選一個能代表自己的人,候選人當然要將自己最好一面示人。不過,不知何解,譚先生的想法似乎與眾不同。
今次「出事」的opening remarks (可試譯作歡迎辭),是譚先生在一個資訊保安研討會發表的。
譚先生似乎讀不到n音和r音。廣東話沒有捲脷音,所以很多香港人讀英文時,遇到r音都讀得不好。譚先生便將operations便讀成「o po way 唇 s」;breaks out 變成了「迫s out」;至於n音則更明顯:所有n音都變成了l音,例如 nokia,便讀成了 low-kia;not 變了 lot:know變了low。即使習慣了廣東音的香港人,也聽不到他要說什麼。
當n和r相遇的時候,情況更慘烈:environment 變成了 en-y-lo-ment。「講」者痛苦,聽者受罪。除了n和r,譚先生讀 l 一樣有問題,例如play a part讀了pay a part。如果考會考,譚先生oral這part要合格是沒有希望的了。

更令人驚訝的,是譚生的廣告,出了一句驚天動地的 winner take all。到底他的班底裡,有沒有英文好的人,可以幫他「執一執」這些出位的「言論」?萬一有外國傳媒訪問他,片段在外國電視播起來,真失禮死人呀!
譚先生四年前已經參選過立法會,這些年來,莫非沒有人告訴他,他講英文講不正、很難聽得明白?如果他願意下四年苦功惡補一下,沒有理由還是連Winner take all也讀得出!還是他就像一般老闆般,已經沒有人向他講真說話了?
I am writing to draw your attention to a public speech made by Mr Tam at the IT Symposium 2008 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v
Thanks and Best Regards,
23 則留言:
z音發成s音 (例如 is,these)
v音發成f音 (例如 have, of)
tn音讀成 ten音 (例如 important)
震音版的th音發成f音 (例如 then)
n音變l音 (例如 number)
字中間的l音不讀 (例如 public)
應該用輕聲卻沒用 (例如 of, for, concern)
字中間的r音不讀 例如 (improvement)
字中間的"u"音讀錯,例如 secure
looking 的 look讀錯
字尾的l音不讀 (例如 well)
between 中間讀成 ch音
所有字尾的t音皆錯 (intelligent,urgent...)
amount 中間出現ng音 ,don't也是
所有的"ae"音讀成"e"音 例如financial
"the" 有兩個音,全錯。(應該是震音的th音+輕聲)
Don't know why he still has "face" to comment HK's Student English leverl, see this:
科大榮譽院士譚偉豪 批港生英語水平降
then how about your english?
"If, such a little girl has a very mature views on everything, I believe she don't need to enter your school since your school can provide nothing to her."
"she don't need"?
i'm very very sorry. i'm wrong. what i point out is:
"a very mature views"?
Mr Lam,
may i withdraw my previous posts left on your blog ASAP(incl this one)?
i admit i was curious about your english standard at the beginning...then your points in this article really irritate me!
can't imagine it'd come out from any educated person(about "Class", "Edison Vs Mr Tam", and the discriminatory views toward the guy as if he 'wanted' to speak like this)!
maybe you're just trying to irritate people (your profession)?
anyway, i did respect your effort of writing that long letter for the little girl. i didn't really read thru it and know the story before posting comment on you.
i still disagree with you (very much)and i don't think your english is very good!
yet i don't want to see anyone digging up that letter just to make fun of it. enough is enough!
hope u truly care about young people in HK as i do.
I don't mind having somebody criticizing my English especially on this blog since I didn't correct it before publishing. It's the same as my Chinese writings that I don't have much time to correct them before publishing.
Also as I stress, my English is not as good as my Chinese.
Moreover, causal writing is different from formal writing. You can still find many mistakes in my Blog even in Chinese since I am not a full time worker as a blogger. It's my hobby only.
My purpose of writing this blog is to point out ridiculous things in our society.
I believe that we should ask for higher standard from public figures as their actions will have profound implications to our society. If they are the same as most citizens in society, how can he/she lead us to go through the uncertain future?
When you read through those publications from the government, you can expect in the future, our Chinese language in Hong Kong will die away. When I read through those commentaries of Ming Pao, I felt, Oh, My God.
We need our society to work in a way where reasoning is respected to bring up our next generation. We need our society to work in a way where fair comments are allowed.
Unfortunately, I can see that the situation is becoming worser over the past 10 years.
Those who're criticized might not be very happy about this blog. Yes, the language might be a bit harsh but please be reminded that they're not being attacked personally. From the very beginning, I commented on the fact itself and pointed out the ridiculous parts of their acts and etc. I believe any open society allows this.
Regarding my comments on Mr. Samson Tam, as I said, I received request on commenting his English speaking. It's normal for us, ordinary people, to ask for the best from public figures as they represents us. However, I am not sure why Mr. Samson Tam keeps working in a way in telling others that he's not up to the level as a proper representative. I just pointed out this in various occasions.
What I wrote on his actions were actually mild, when you compared with my another article commenting the writing by a secondary school principal.
After all, I believe Hong Kong needs to accommodate different views so as to become a true international city.
Class: we don't need to avoid saying that. We don't say that doesn't mean that "class" doesn't exist in this society. It exists, just like sex. So why we can't speak on that?
Mr. Samson Tam vs Mr. Edison Chen: why not?
Edison Chen didn't breach any law. Did you play "Compare People" in the Facebook? Everyone has his own strengths and weaknesses. Why can't we just compare people, especially when Mr. Tam offered for this comparison?
Of course you can delete your comment if you wish but I won't do it.
Lam Tin Wai
Hi "cestmoi", I beg to disagree with you. I'm afraid that you have missed the important point that what Mr Tam is doing is to win the Legco seat representing HK IT Industry, BUT, he is definitely not the right person to play this important role.
I have to declare first that I do not belong to any political parties in HK nor do I have any connections to these parties, I actually do not live in HK.
Why is Mr Tam not the right person? Take a look at what he did in the past, among other nonsense :
1. He publicly advised people to take out the hard disk before taking their computers to the repair shop.
2. He told people that IT professionals would fix a computer system problem after office hour and told office colleagues don't be surprised if they could not find any IT support guys around during office hours.
3. He told people that smart casual is the dress code for all IT professionals.
The last straw is the public speech he made in the IT Symposium 2008 where he has completely failed to deliver the "Opening Address" because no one could totally understand what he was saying.
To represent a sector of the community is an important role, because it would affect the livelihood of the people working in that sector. HK IT Industry is already facing competition from around the world, there are pressures in all large organisations to outsource their IT projects to less expensive countries like India where the English standard is higher than Hong Kong.
We need a good English communicator to represent HK to promote its ability as an international financial centre and IT Hub in particular. Mr Tam can of course help to support this goal from "behind the scene" if he really believes that this is worth his while.
I can't see how Mr Tam can possibly articulate his argument in a debate that requires good English communication skill.
我今朝把弄PDA時,無意聽到一些比較舊式的電腦辭典BEBEBABA o既英文發聲(近年才有所謂真人發聲),突然想起這類發音正是類似「快X通之父」譚生的三字經英文(以前用譚生真人發聲呼??),我想很多中小學生以往是用這類電腦辭典學英文,所以亦難怪現今中小學生英文水平下降不小,因果遁環,可悲可悲!
Thanks for that.
Lam Tin Wai
OMG! You had the chance to read his election campaign statement? What a piece!
My IT friends
I am here to announce that I will be standing for the September Legco election as a representative of the IT functional constituency.
I am no stranger to Legco elections. In fact, this is my second bite at the cherry. The last time I ran was four years ago. But this time, I feel differently. The last time I ran on my pure passion and a sense of duty. This time I am running on passion and a sense of duty, plus a keen sense of urgency.
This sense of urgency comes from my four years of extensive involvement in the IT industry, giving me a deeper understanding of the urgent needs of our industry. It also comes from the growing expectations of my IT friends.
Like my IT friends, I am deeply disappointed that unlike other countries or cities, IT has not been the engine of growth for Hong Kong’s economy. Innovations in IT have failed to translate into healthy development of our creative industries. This may mean that Hong Kong will be left behind by its regional competitors.
This is an overall concern for Hong Kong. But there is also a particular concern about the worsening of the IT business environment, and the worsening prospects for IT professionals. I know many of you in the IT industry echo these concerns. The question remains: Who is responsible for addressing these concerns ? I believe both the government and IT people have a duty to deal with this challenge. The government has failed to come up with a long-term developmental strategy for the IT industry. In fact, it has missed many strategic opportunities.
The IT industry, for its part, lacks a true representative to lobby the government and influence society in promoting the cause of the industry.
Our incumbent IT Lego representative may be a hard-working man, but we now know that our industry may have created a political star but it has not yet found its true representative. I continue to hear the message from the industry loud and clear: that our Lego member must first be a representative who is a cohesive force for our industry, and only then should he or she be a functioning political star. Only a person who understands the problems facing the industry, who has visionary power and firm commitment, is capable of being our effective voice in Legco, and of nudging our government in the right direction for our industry.
I believe I am that person, not because I have any special talents, or super-human capabilities, but because I have come through the industry for more than 20 years the hard way. I am sensitive to the great potential that IT offers. I also feel the burden of expectations from our IT professionals for better occupational opportunities. Above all, I believe I am capable of tapping the cohesive force of the IT industry. I see it as my mission to form this coalition to lead us towards the triple goal of “business creation, product creation and job creation”. This will take Hong Kong to the next level of high value-adding in our knowledge-based economy, making our city more competitive, and sharing its benefits with one and all in society.
With my heart and hard work, I hope to win the trust and endorsement of our electors. Only with a united industry can we push the government into action. Opening a new chapter for our industry depends on having new policy initiatives. In the final analysis, it is up to us within the industry to chart the new course and write our own history. Here and now, our worry is exactly our opportunity.
With my warmest regards,
Samson Tam
I shall read it. As you know, I am not proficient in English ar.
Lam Tin Wai
it's natural that you are unable to understand what the piece wants to tell since it's translated from the Chinese version.
I was unable to understand this piece as well. Sorry.
Lam Tin Wai
Well, he talks about getting endorsement from electors and also some bullshit like our worry is exactly our opportunity. this guy is really amazing. I mean he must have spent a lot to engage the service of some "hire guns' but none of them seem to have learnt English!
It's good that you can't understand. Believe me. If he writes sth you can understand, you will find out how stupid he is.
Lam Tin Wai
On behalf of the CSEAA Executive Committee, I would like to inform you that the Executive Committee of CSEAA has passed the resolution basically Unanimously (7 Support, 0 Against, 2 Abstain from voting) for CSEAA to support Dr. Samson Tam Wai Ho on his participation to the 2008 Legislative Council IT Functional Constituency Election on 7-Sep-2008.
Dr. Tam graduated from the CUHK in 1986 majored in Electronics an minored in Computer Science. He is a member of CSEAA.
The Executive Committee has made the above resolution because the Alumni Association always recommends and supports our members to serve the community and to contribute to the development of the IT Industry, which would benefit to the Hong Kong economy as well as to our alumni. Dr. Tam has also actively support the events of the Alumni Association.
Dr. Tam grown up in Hong Kong as well as getting his bachelor and doctorship in Hong Kong. He is one of the local pioneer entrepreneurs in the IT industry, who had successfully listed his local technology company (Group Sense Limited) in our HK Stock Exchange in the early 90s. These local pioneer entrepreneurs had made important contributions to the initial blooming of the local industry. Samson has got chairmanship and council membership of a number of major IT professional organizations/associations as well as sitting in a number of government consultative committees. He is also a Trustee of the United College of CUHK. So, we have no double to support Dr. Tam to be elected as the Legislative Councilor on the IT Functional Constituency as our representative to pursue the development of the IT industry.
I wonder whether the above message was written by the office of Mr Bean rather than alumni of CUHK.
where did you get this? It's obviously that the letter/email is for promoting Mr. Bean. The cost for doing that should be included as incurred by Mr. Bean.
Lam Tin Wai
The above message is copied from http://martinoei.wordpress.com/2008/08/27/
As certain English writing mistakes were similar to those made by Dr Tam's team, that's why I had such doubt.
A more important issue is whether the resolution of CSEAA 常務委員會 to support Dr Tam in this election was valid as it is extraordinary to consider politics as 日常會務 (See 7.3 of CSEAA Constitution at http://www.cseaa.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=14&Itemid=27). According to the Constitution, "會員大會由全體會員組成,為本會最高權力組織". Without the resolution of a proper 會員大會, the above support by CSEAA might have violated the Guidelines issued by EAC.
This may be another evidence showing the weakness of the team of Dr Tam in understanding and complying with the rules of the games.
Should voters elect such candidate to develop legislation for HK?
Jesus Christ, if I had the right to vote in this constituency I would not vote for whoever wrote that "My IT friends" letter. His English is beyond amazing! He could have hired someone to fix his written English!
我睇唔到呢一段片. 不過我聽過係講英文既其他片. 呀譚生英文係唔好, 不過總算都可以溝通到. 如果放佢入英語會話既會考, 保守計都可以坐C望B, A都唔出奇. 以香港普遍英文水平黎睇, 佢英文絶對未算好差.
可能我耳仔有問題啦, 我自己問心都算接受到. 有好多人跟本英文都講唔到, 佢起碼講到, 表達到, 有得俾人笑丫.
題外話, 我係美國留學生, 日日聽美國英文. 我都唔覺佢D英文真係話咁礙耳, 可能係真係我自己有問題啦.
我睇唔到呢一段片. 不過我聽過係講英文既其他片. 呀譚生英文係唔好, 不過總算都可以溝通到. 如果放佢入英語會話既會考, 保守計都可以坐C望B, A都唔出奇. 以香港普遍英文水平黎睇, 佢英文絶對未算好差.
可能我耳仔有問題啦, 我自己問心都算接受到. 有好多人跟本英文都講唔到, 佢起碼講到, 表達到, 有得俾人笑丫.
題外話, 我係美國留學生, 日日聽美國英文. 我都唔覺佢D英文真係話咁礙耳, 可能係真係我自己有問題啦.