2007年8月20日 星期一












25 則留言:

匿名 提到...

i am not familiar with the bar-bending sector, nor do i know what constitutes a fair wage for the workers, and i also find fixed wage level and working hours for all workers odd.
all i know is these workers suffer a paycut from $1,200 during the economic slump years ago, and i know developers are making good money from building new flats, and their income unaffected by the bad economy because they are selling ordinary flats as luxurious ones now to rip more profit.
what disturbs me is that the salaries of low-class employees in hk have stalled and failed to grow along with the richest people's wealth.
i remember when i was young, a clerk post would pay around $5K a month and a cleaner at Maxim's fastfood would pay around $3K, and i remember a CMB bus driver would receive training and be paid $5K a month.
i once worked summer job in a McD in 1980s, i was paid $10/hr. i once worked at a Japanese restuarant for another summer, they paid around $4K a month, including a $300 bonus if you didnt call in sick.
how could people having similarly low class jobs today still earn that little, or some even less, when the descriptive noun for the richest bunch had been upgraded from "millionaires" by then to "billionaires" or "trillionaires" now?
there are many reasons that could explain the widening paygap, but the lowest income earners do not care about those reasons, all they ask for is a little dignity and respect, shown in their paycheck.
employers demanded staff to suck it in, take the hardship with them when businesses was bad, the deserving staff are just hoping for a fair treatment now that economy is reviving.
for the construction workers, who suffered most in the past decade, it is only fair to give them their old level of wage. they are not even asking for that $1,200 but only for $950 and eight hours work a day.
why are these demands seen as monstrous, unachievable goals?
the workers are asking not for unacceptably high level of wage and ridiculously short working hours, what they are asking are basic, minimal and near pathetic treatment. and who are we to deny them such right?
employers who say higher level of wage cost them business and possibly closure of business are only talking for themselves. the govt has the obligation to stay in the middle if not a little on the workers' and underprivileged side. if it can't, just as the hk govt has shown us, it better shut the hell up.

by the way, as you have agreed that bosses in general are heartless or else they themselves will suffer, why would any boss raise salaries of the more capable staff when they could pay less to or lay off the less capable ones? and if most bosses would think so, where could these underpaid employees seek for help?

without an hourly-based minimum wage standard, there's no limit on how low wages could go. with such a standard, employers are unlikely to pay significantly higher than minimum, but at least they are legally bound not to go under.

匿名 提到...


藍天蔚 提到...


thanks for your comments. why the wages were so low? After all, it's all about supply and demand. Do you know that, the salaries of 陪月 is now very high, given that they usually don't have high qualification. This is because the demand is low.

Well, for other workers, the situation is the same. Why the wage wage in 1997 was high? Since the property price was high, and the property developers wanted the buildings to complete ASAP, so as to gain money, demand for these workers was high. However, during the SARS, their wage rate dropped substantially since the econ was bad and that demand for new properties and thus construction workers, was really low. All is as simple as this.

Asking back to $1200 per day, well, you can asked. But if the boss can find so many @ $800, the boss will not pay $1200, isn't it?

So called problem of low-wage workers.....you can say that I am "cold-blooded". However, when I was really young, I was very poor, in the way you can't imagine. Substantially poorer than those iron workers. Around 20 years ago, I still remember that fruit, like oranges, bought back by my mon was at rate $10 for 5. Days ago, I passed by a fruit stall, and bought 5 富士蘋果, with really good quality, @ $10.

After 20 years, the price is the same and the quality improved. This is my personal experience.

I believe, ppl's like is actually improving even it seems not. I believe this is because there's such a market and thus low cost products are always available.

After all, we have too many low-skilled workers in Hong Kong. The way out is either more openings for low-skilled workers, or these workers try their best to improve themselves.

I will say, I would have been as miserable as the iron workers if I didn't try me best to improve myself, right?

藍天蔚 提到...


同意。紥鐵工人罷工只是一個例子。但是,對於做得好的工人來說,高點人工也是很實際的。如果你是做得好的紥鐵工人,最可能回應你的說法,便是:「有咩分別? 好景果陣,係人都有得好,沙士果陣,咪一樣大家都無工開!」



TTT 提到...

How about if the employers of cleaners and security officers have come together to establish a informal cartel on wages for those workers?

It seems that those workers can't do much compared to other sectors (employer switching and etc) since the pay has been around the same across the board from what I have heard on non mainstream media.

藍天蔚 提到...


I am wondering your suggestion of Cartel in security and cleansing industries, since there're so many players.

I don't mean that there're no Cartel, but certainly not in these two industries. And, I personally support Fair Competition law in forbidding cartel.

The problem of similar (low) salaries level around, is that the supply of these workers are so many that the employers can sustain. If they don't have enough workers, they have to pay a higher price. When too many low-skilled immigrants enter Hong Kong, there's no way out for them unless to upgrade their skills.

This is not solely happened in blue-collar jobs.

Two years ago, when the economy is still poor, you can certain get more than 100 applications for any kind of non-professional posts. Some U grad have to work for about $6000 to $6500. This is shameful but the problem is that demand on U grad were low. Employers got 1000 applications! They have the power.

Well, recently, employers are "suffering", especially in finance and IT industries. They can't get the right ppl. Therefore, salaries of ppl in these industries are increasing.

After all, it's the problem of supply and demand.

波蘿游 提到...



匿名 提到...

I am baffled by your comments regarding 富士蘋果. Expenditure on food has not been the largest part of consumer expenditure for decades, now you're still working out people's wages based on the price of fruits?

藍天蔚 提到...




藍天蔚 提到...



你說的所謂「同級同人工」,便已是看表現付薪水的最佳例證了。同級,但學歷、年資是否一樣呢? 在大公司,有些好勁的職員,升得快,早就比一同入職的同伴高幾個馬位,這便是表現好、人工高的最佳例證。
不同公司是否一樣呢? 假設大家都係做核數,Junior同senior、唔同年資、唔同公司都唔同,於是,同一個職位的人,有機會憑著自己的能力和表現,找更好的待遇,所以從宏觀看來,這個行業,薪金便是按表現而不同。但是紥鐵行業的問題是:全行人工近乎一致,無得走!做得好都不見得有人工加!這便是令工人罷工、要與商會談判的原因。核數員同老細傾人工,傾唔掂便走頭,不會上街!



匿名 提到...







匿名 提到...

懇請閣下能跳出經濟學考量,嘗試當一個月體力勞動的工種,例如:地盤工,送貨,廚房工 等等需要大量體力勞動的工作。

匿名 提到...

我重申 -- 你錯用經濟理論。扎鐵同好多製造業都會用 piece rate 去出人工,原因
係大家交出黎既貨非常類似。樓上 Ben 已經講左 : 劃一價錢就做得好既工人就開多 D 工,做得唔好既就開少 D 工甚至無人請。

對一 D 高危工作呢種 contract 既好處係老闆唔會亂請人,請左個唔識扎鐵又無安全知識既人,如果出事最後咪又係加重社會既負擔? 你唔好同我講話叫公司買保險就得,出事就叫公司賠,因為香港法庭計賠償係好唔夠。點唔夠呢? 香港法庭係跟英國以前咁用 fixed rate ,但英國係二十年前已經改左用受傷人士既 current earning power 去計,但比起美國仍然都係少好多 -- 美國計法最為完善叫做賠得夠,用 prospective
earning power 去計。

好喇,咁點解我講一大論賠償呢? 因為僱主如果可以俾好少人工請 D好差既工人返黎做野,出事就依香港法例賠。香港法例賠償唔夠,咁個真正工傷既 cost 就轉嫁左比全香港既人。

你係都要用核數黎做例子咁我陪你 -- 首先核數公司間間既客戶係唔同,要求都唔同,senior 人工高 D 因為呢類工作年資好重要,另外一個解釋係根本個 senior 同 junior 既 productivity 係一樣,但因為要俾 incentive D 員工去落力唔好 shirk 同減低 supervision 既成本,所以至有升級加薪呢會事。睇你所寫既回應你應該係唔明我講既理論,亦無睇我 quote 既第一篇文章,係你睇唔明定無得睇?

扎鐵工人係只要有 cert 就已做到佢份工,on the job learning 係幾乎零,你唔
通再搞個扎鐵 CEO 出黎? 你話要按表現而出唔同人工,咁我問你 -- 你會唔唔會出多$10 去一個表現良好既報販處買一份 $6 既報紙?

我只可以話 -- 你分析錯誤。

富士蘋果的例子 -- 二十年前既富士蘋果出產地係日本,現在係中國。跟本你唔係
comparing like with like 。只係食蘋果時既 risk exposure 已經唔同。重申
-- food expenditure constitutes a very small part of bring home income ,有好既 economics training 都唔會講出你果番話。正常既經濟人會睇整體物價指數,唔係單單一個蘋果。

你漠視現實 -- 低收入現金津貼會令果 D 臨界點工友既僱主專登俾少 D ,等政府同佢俾埋。即係例如原本要出 $10 一個鐘但政府話 $8 或以下就會有津貼,咁好多僱主就會只出 $8 等 D 工人去同政府出埋剩番果 D 。呢個係英國政府既研究經驗,現金津貼個 concept 係好,但實行係有困難。

藍天蔚 提到...







匿名 提到...

my economics is as bad as my english, i type in english because i only know pinyin in chinese typing and it would take me days to write.

anyway, supply and demand is one reason, but not the dominant reason to explain why low skilled workers deserve to be paid less.

陪月, (i failed to find an english name for it either, midwives are not quite right...) is expensive not only there is lack of supply, but because they have the experience. would u pay as much for a 陪月 who has no experience but only because she's the only one available? you would not even consider hiring her no matter how low her wage is, right?

my underlying argument is: there's no bottomline for greed. demand and supply is only a theoretical framework, it is only one factor that has some influence in wage setting. what is playing the vital role is the employers, especially true in the case of barbending workers.

if employers can hire for $200 or $20 a day for a bar bending workers from china or nepal, or even pay them nothing but provide only shelters and food like slaves, would it still be rational for hk workers to fight for $1,200/day? damn right.

there is no bottomline on supply and demand, if as u say supply is abundance and so the workers deserve to be paid less, i can't imagine how low can their wages can go.

you are right about the cheaper fruits today, but as someone else has responded, the 5 fuji apples you bought for $10 today is different from what you can get for a genuine japanese fuji apple. the lower cost to produce a chinese fuji apple is why the price is lower, that maybe due to the cheaper labor cost, cheaper plantation cost, over-supply, or simply u are eating chemical-treated rotten fruit. who knows?

btw, oranges are still 5 for $10 today. why has it not changed? maybe becuase the cost remained the same, better agricultural technology offseting the rising cost and inflation, or government subsidy, or again, u are eating chinese made chemical-treated rotten friut.

The property market dipped during sars in 2003, while homeowners can now ask for much higher price. same for the workers, their wages were cut during bad times, why dont they now deserve to be paid the same before the cut?

their wage was not cut because of oversupply of labor, but for downturn in econ, when the econ now reviving, we must not leave these grass-root bunch where they were.

even if it was true, as u said, that there are oversupply of bar bending workers, giving them what they want would not bear higher burden on developers, cos only the same amount of workers will be hired. employers dont have to pay those who do not have jobs. so, even their daily wages are up to $1,200 a day, still a site would only hire as many workers as they need. no more no less, and the construction cost rise will be limited.

and lastly, why low skilled workers dont deserve to have a better pay if they have not improved?
how can a bar bending workers improve? bend bars quicker? bend more in less times?
similarly, how can a toilet cleaner improve? lick the toilet seat clean and warm it for users in winter with their own butts?
i dont find quality of life improving much in these years, ur tv might become flatscreen lcd, but still u would be frustrated when it breaks down. u might enjoy 16-9 wide screen tv, but does it make the programs more attractive? u may have hundreds of channels to choose from from cable, but how many can u watch at one time?

i dont see newly built flats better than flats built in older times. in fact, i only hear complaints about newly built flats have less useable space than old ones. but if developers are still making more and more and more and more money by providing products without ur so called better quality, dont u think the low skilled grassroot workers should also be benefited after the developers' ripped us off?

if i am paying $20 for a wonton noodles today instead of $15 yesterday, i would like to think part of the extra profit go to the cook, the waiter and the washer, but not only the boss pocketing them all.

藍天蔚 提到...




低價的用品不斷加價,這個見人見智,我舉出富士蘋果的例子,便已證明產品不一定隨歲月加價,或者「加極有限」。至少電話費減了一大截!很多副食品也沒有加價。我覺得加得最勁的,可能反而是政府部門。我住公屋時,租金只是四、五百多,現在天水圍的公屋也要二千多!但嘉湖山莊有會所的私人樓,也只不過四千!到底物價勁是誰的問題? 一定不是一些人所說的「無良老闆」,反而是很多人要求「干預」的政府!餓死,都是大政府造成的。


唔駛做每月淨袋好唔好? 就是這些想法,令班做生意的人,不肯支持普選!

藍天蔚 提到...


"因為僱主如果可以俾好少人工請 D好差既工人返黎做野,出事就依香港法例賠。香港法例賠償唔夠,咁個真正工傷既 cost 就轉嫁左比全香港既人。"


你說的紥鐵沒有on the job training,不能有紥鐵CEO,但是,為什麼紥鐵不可以有表現好壞、難道高低之分呢?


我舉富士蘋果的例子,是想指出,有低收入的人,便有低價貨品的市場。物價指數也是誤導。況且,誰在加價呢? 是政府呀!有自由市場競爭的其他產品,會因應需求下跌而減價。在經濟差的幾年,是我有生以來第一次見到貨品持續地減價,更令我相信自由市場供求的威力。


藍天蔚 提到...


as you used English, I use English to show my respect, although there're errors from time to time. After all, it's not a paper to professors, pls don't mind, as long as you understand.

Recently, my company wants to recruit some new employees. Just some fresh grad, not those "CEO". I am not the boss but a common worker.

However, my bosses found that it was so difficult, since ppl just quit within several days. Well, I am working in a non-profit organization. This is the difficulty. They have to think about raising the salaries in order to attract ppl!

This is about supply and demand.

Regarding your debate on 陪月. you mentioned experience, but this is exactly the question of supply and demand. For one without experience, she will not be able to "qualify (not necessarily means a cert)". As this one is not qualified, she's not regarded as part of the supply. Still the supply will be less and if the demand is high, the wage will go up. This is supply and demand, why not?

I agreed that if contractors are allowed to hire ppl from South East Asia, the situation will be different. then, being hired will be the dream of Hong Kong's workers. However, this should not be absolute. you know that Hong Kong ppl open a lot of factories in China. And then, wages in China are surging in recent years. Why don't the boss just move it to Vietnam or Cambodia, or Philippines, or even in Africa? Part of the reason is political stability, but if you have chances to talk to these bosses, they will tell you that now, supply of skilled labour in China is higher, although the wage rate in other countries may be lower, skilled labour are not available! Even for construction workers, the situation will be the same. Recruiting manpower from Nepal may be cheaper but there's high opportunities that they don't have the required skills! you know, not anyone knows how to bend the iron!

Iron workers are now asking for higher wages. I personally think it is justified(but I just think it is "funny" to use striking as the means). They are wise to use their bargaining power now since some of the workers went to Macau, making the supply of labour a bit tight and bosses may, at the end of the day, increase the wages.

There's no right or wrong on what kinds of waging system. But different waging system produces different incentive to workers and drives workers to act differently. This is what I wanted to say. It's pity that ppl are not rational. When someone comment, or criticize workers, S/he has to be cold-blooded.

However, I don't agree with you on the concept of so called "deserve".

May be I don't care about wages. I had not been asking for increase in wage rate since I started working. Well, I am not a civil servant and wages rate is not automatically increased. However, my boss still gave me several very substantial adjustments. I always believe that, ppl around you are not stupid. They know what kinds of ppl are good and they have to use wages and other things to preserve good workers.

However, if you find your boss is really stupid and they can't tell who is good, just quit.

For iron workers, do they "deserve" $1200 or $950 or $800? I still think that, it depends on supply and demand. If one day, a whole bunch of Chinese skilled iron workers get the one-way permit to hong Kong, the wage will certainly drop.

Now the bosses are scaring about all kinds of workers want pay rise, not just iron workers. I don't know how many iron workers they have to hire but if all kinds of workers are going to ask a pay rise, i believe they have to loss money on the project.

Why ppl cannot deserve higher wages even if they don't improve?

I use your logic. The boss expects a better quality if they have to pay higher wages. Ppl have to show that they deserve since money is on the hand of the bosses.

You think that it is "fairer" to have standard rate? well, superficially, yes. But those good workers are hurt. Boss has a budget in his plan. If they have to pay higher wage to bad workers, they can't give much more to good workers and efforts are not paid off! And ppl are not going to work hard. This is the problem of standard wage rate.

And one more point. You may think that if there's no standard rate, the workers will be exploited and they may just got $300 a day. Well, I don't think so. I believe the median wage will be somewhat similar.But different workers will have different wage. My wild guess is $700 to 1000. well, not $300. There'll be no one interested, since they can find some more comfortable and less risky work with similar wages.

波蘿游 提到...


2.建築合約價:下跌了20% - 40%

經濟不斷轉型,不管老闆或打工仔,都要留意周圍變化,不斷裝備自己,才是生存之道,就好似「Who moved my cheese?」裏面的小老鼠一樣。


藍天蔚 提到...






有了最低工資,掃街的也有五千五,那麼,年輕人還會願意讀書考試做文員嗎? 讀完大學只有九千,還會做嗎?

經濟不好的時候,大學畢業等於失業,那時的大學生,比較踏實。今天,一個剛畢業的大學生,還不知有沒有common sense、還不知懂不懂得工作,已經嫌三嫌四。這是很可怕的事。

匿名 提到...

i meant to beg for your understanding of my bad english, not to criticize yours.

i understand non-profit organizations have an even tighter budget than ordinary companies, so it is even harder to raise salary to retain workers, but i am not so sure whether the fresh grads left becos of low salary or becos they just like job-hopping. positively thinking, their logic is to try different things when they are young; negatively thinking, their butts are sharp-ended and cant sit still for long. you know kids today...

so, i can't be sure whether that's purely supply and demand.

Regarding on 陪月, i am also not convinced that inexperienced 陪月 would be excluded from the supply chain as effectively as you have assumed.

For factories owners in china, you are right the wages are getting higher becos there are more choices for them and staying back home to grow crops might not be such a bad idea when the govt is subsidizing more recently. so to retain the workers, they have to raise the wage. there are 1.3 billion people in china, there will never be a shortage of labor, but if a factory is not willing to pay higher wages, only the less skilled or less disciplined workers would be willing to work at that factory.

i dont think any of those construction workers would strike if they can talk it through. in some foreign countries, when workers of one union strike, they set up picket lines and force other unions to join and fight breaks out some of the time when disagreement happens. it's perfectly normal. my personal view is to lock the representatives of employers, workers and govt in one room and they are not allowed to leave until a resolution reached, well, except for answering nature calls maybe. that'll solve the whole thing, fast.

i never call or think of you as coldblooded. just to make it clear.

i also have not once asked for a raise from my bosses ever, but i am not as good as you are, receiving sizeable raises without even asking for it, and i have quit several times, not becos my boss is stupid (all bosses are stupid) but becos my current boss is less stupid than the former ones. i left not becos of anybody, but becos of my own ambition.

I can agree with most of your argument about the construction workers if they are just being greedy and asking for more. however, they are not asking for more, but only asking employers not to cut their wage that much. this is not a purely supply and demand issue, but a greed issue.

i am not so sure the developers would loss a lot even when all construction workers had their wages raised. just check out the net profit of major developers. i dont think they would even realize how much less they make after giving a rise to the workers. it's a dent to their billions of profit. do u know how many 000000s are there in a billion?

if ur supply and demand theory are in place, with a standard rate, good workers who dont get a raise would leave for better paying companies and the old boss would be stuck with a low-performance bunch of staff. if the boss can live with it, he can keep his budget intact. if he can't, he could fire a couple of the workers and pay higher wages for more capable workers.

standard rate, or minimum hourly pay as i call it, is exactly the lubricant or catalyst for supply and demand to run smoothly, while overall salary and perks for workers would be raised and employers who used to profiting from paying minimal wages would go out of business. these companies, i mean those who rip off the workers to make profit, shouldnt even be allowed to operate.

you last argument is only true when the workers possess skills to look for other jobs, that freedom of choice. yes, i believe some can find other better paying jobs, but some can't. that's not important at all.

what's important here, is that you, like antony leung, are just assuming people who have nothing to eat can go fishing.

these workers, some but not all i assume, have low education qualification and little skill, their work does not allow them to "upgrade" themselves when they are busy raising their family, and they are unlikely to have enough in their savings to spare for them to train up themselve after being laid off. when wages drop, all they can do is suck it up.

i just hope when i can afford to buy a flat, i will not have to feel pity about the construction workers who have helped build it suffering with low wages.

i dont want to comfort myself, saying that these workers deserve to be treated like shit becos they have not improved themselves, that they deserve to work for low wages jobs becos they are low skilled and oversupplied.

if raising wages for the workers shouldnt be across the board, as you suggested, then it also doesn't justify across the board reduction in their wages.

i am supporting them becos they are only trying to right part of the wrong, (and i would support them even if they asking for $1200/day,) unlike the unions in western countries, asking for raise year after year.

to me, it should be all relatively fair. e.g. when H.A. board directors have the right and little hesitation to raise their own salaries by millions, all H.A. workers deserve a raise in similar scale. otherwise, everybody should just suck it up.

藍天蔚 提到...


I can't response point by point any more or this can be a term paper. however, you know my position and I know your position....anyway, thanks.

Lam Tin Wai

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