2008年5月31日 星期六






   地方直選的選民,只要願意填一份表格,都可以成為選民,但市民卻要用錢「買」回功能組別的選民資格;相反,一些可能不合資格的公司,卻又可以「購得」選 民資格。若有意參選者願意為「朋友」繳付商會會費,使「朋友」成為選民算不算賄賂呢?若有人向有意參選者要求其代繳會費,又是否索取利益?


   什麼才算是「資訊科技專業人士」?在黃金商場「砌機」砌了十年算不算?在大型資訊科技公司做會計算不算?這中間的灰色地帶大得很,於是政府便以所謂「專 業學會」會員為界。兩個學歷相同、工作經驗相同的人士,願意付出「過路費」「賄賂」學會認同他的專業水平,便有資格投票。


   職業訓練局的調查顯示全港有六萬名資訊科技從業員,但只有少於一成人為選民,「過路費」的阻嚇性顯而易見。而有意參選者,更有可能控制選民「成份」。若 有意參選者代朋友繳付會費,是否算賄選?若一間上市資訊科技公司東主有意參選,大可以將資訊科技專業學會會藉,當作「員工福利」送予員工,只要他將員工名 單與選民名單一對,在選舉便佔盡優勢。這是廉署能容忍的情況嗎?



   很多商會其實沒有全職職員,主席和控制會員資料庫的人,又有否足夠「定力」抗拒可能送上門的利益呢?廉署認為這是「理想」的制度嗎?顯然易見,現時的功 能組別,從制度上鼓勵有意參選者走捷徑,透過種種方法──包括種票和賄選──爭取認同者成為選民以圖控制選舉,而不是爭取選民認同。

  既 然香港不容許賄賂政府員工才得到應有的公共服務,也不應容許要「買」回來的選舉權的制度存在。廉署轄下有一個「防止貪污處」,其法定職責是「審查各政府部 門及公共機構的工作常規及程序,並建議修訂容易導致貪污的工作方法及程序」。廉署既是「獨立」的執法機構,有研究過這制度會引致種種潛在的舞弊行為嗎?





17 則留言:

非IT人C.H. 提到...

對閣下觀點非常同意. 最近看到以下網頁 (http://www.soe.org.hk/news.asp). SOE 最工程界的吧, 為甚麼要在選舉前出錢讓人入IT界的會, 還要強調有IT界投票權. 這不是種票是甚麼? 選管會是瞎子還是聾子?

Membership Promotion between Internet Professional Association ((iProA)
and the Society of Operations Engineers (Hong Kong Region) (SOEHK)

15 April 2008

We are pleased to announce that SOEHK’s members who support the 5th Anniversary Dinner which will be held on 1 August 2008 at Kowloon Shangri-la Hotel are encouraged to apply the membership of iProA. The first year membership subscription fee will be sponsored by SOEHK if the application is successfully assessed and accepted by iProA provided that the application should be submitted to SOEHK office on or before 20 April 2008.

iProA is a non-profit making professional organization founded in 1999. It is dedicated to the bridging of digital divide in society, and advancing the art & science and proper application of Internet technology. The association operates under the leadership of a 33 member Council; a 103 member Executive Committee manages projects and activities through 26 Committees with the support of 6 full time staff. Members of iProA hail from a wide spectrum of professions and many of our members are CEOs and senior executives from leading information technology enterprises. iProA’s mission focuses on facilitating a seamless connection and communication between the ICT industry, the Government and the public community. iProA seeks to become the voice of the local ICT industry in striving to forge the best strategy for the enhancing ICT development in Hong Kong.

voting members of iProA, with four years or more of working experience in IT fields are eligible to register as individual voters of the IT Functional Constituency in Legco elections.

For more information, please browse the website of iProA of www.iproa.org.

Should you have any queries, please feel free to contact out Administration Officer, Ms Connie Mui at 3188 0062.

SOEHK Office:
Unit B, 3rd Floor, Wing Hong Centre
18 Wing Hong Street, Cheung Sha Wan
Kowloon, Hong Kongg

Enquiry: members@soe.org.hk Tel: (852) 3188 0062

藍天蔚 提到...

Dear c.h.



非IT人C.H. 提到...

確實, 俞宗怡可以一句 "無考慮過" 就可以交代, 再加一句 "以免影響公務員士氣" 就可以不用負任何責任.
彭鍵基也可以 "無考慮過呢個 case", 然後再 "不再跟進, 以免影響公務員士氣".
真他 XX 的~~
對不住, 一說這些事就火起了~~~

匿名 提到...


It is much easier to apply for membership of SOE than other UK engineering institutions.

However, members of SOE do not have the right to register in Engineering FC.

藍天蔚 提到...




非IT人C.H. 提到...


sorry couldn't quite catch your point. do you mean if SOE members have voting rights then ST will run for the engineering sector?


確實是. 我以往並不很熱衷政治, 但身為 IT 人, 現在真的有一點"切膚之痛". 真的不能讓這種人進立法會.

非IT人C.H. 提到...

我的意思是不能再讓這種人幫政府為所欲為. 的確要有些人去制衡/監察這班自以為是, 自大無輪, 人工超高又效率奇底的公務員.

藍天蔚 提到...





匿名 提到...


Sorry to make you confused.

Though Mr Bean is eligible to run for election in the Engineering FC, he will not get support from the majority of voters, i.e. civil or structural engineers.

So, running for election in IT FC is the only alternative. Today's HKET reported that there is an increase of about 1,000 voters in the IT FC. As the government had turned down all amendments to the eligibility of members of IT organisations to register in IT FC in the Bills Committee, the 1000 voters might be caused by additional voters from individual IT organisations plus extraordinary increase in members in certain organisation, like iProA.

As SOE members do not have any votes in either Engineering or IT FC, the offer of free membership of iProA would indirectly offer a vote to these members. See whether you understand the logic behind.

非IT人C.H. 提到...


certainly understand your logic, and totally agree. the ridiculous FC election is the only way for this kind of dumb axx (sorry LTW) to merely have a chance to peek on the legco. esp. in the i.t. sector, it is even more ridiculously easy for one to "seed votes". sigh.

藍天蔚 提到...


I totally agree with you.

Lam Tin Wai

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